e-mail: A.Kufel@adm.uz.zgora.pl
phone: +48 68 328 3216
office: Administrative building (A17), Room 102 R, al. Wojska Polskiego 69, 65-762, Zielona Góra
Working hours:
The Office is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Tasks and competences:
- Keeping and registering correspondence, sending it for processing to appropriate persons or organizational units in accordance with the assignment and ensuring its timely execution;
- Keeping a schedule of matters, official and non-official meetings, and conferences;
- Drafting letters and replies to correspondence;
- Participating in the preparation and recording of meetings and conferences organized by the superior;
- Performing organizational and administrative tasks in accordance with the needs of the superior;
- Ensuring the proper use of seals and stamps;
- Administrative handling of students' applications and appeals addressed to the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs;
- Cooperating with the relevant administrative units of the University;
- Keeping the register of executed contracts and travel assignments;
- Supervising the extent to which the unit uses the funds granted on an ongoing basis;
- Preparing aggregate financial statements on the activities of the unit;
- Preparing (aggregate) data for the unit's material and financial plan;
- Conducting matters related to the financial management of the unit;
- Cooperating with division units in the preparation of periodic summary reports on the activities of the division as required by law;
- Cooperating with division units in entering data into the POL-on system regarding the department's activities;
- Preparing information for the entity's public procurement procedures;
- Updating the electronic database of the unit's employees in the Dziekanat system;
- Entering orders regarding expenses related to the unit's activities into the Dziekanat system;
- Operating the Dziekanat system within the scope of the unit's activities;
- Maintaining and updating the division's website.